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Debra Rienstra


Following Jesus in a Warming World

A Christian Call to Climate Action. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap has provided an excellent resource, especially aimed at a more evangelical audience. The book makes a persuasive and inspiring argument that climate work is necessary discipleship and a way of "loving our neighbor in public."
August 10, 2023
Climate Facts and News

Inside Climate News

"Inside Climate News is a Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that provides essential reporting and analysis on climate change, energy and the environment, for the public and for decision makers." It really is excellent coverage. ICN has several newsletters you can subscribe to, depending…
August 10, 2023
Climate Facts and News

Refugia Newsletter

This is my newsletter on Substack (it's free). I'ts "A fortnightly newsletter for people of faith who care about the climate crisis and want to go deeper." All the climate news can be hard to keep track of, so I choose a couple top stories…
August 9, 2023